No that wasnt Shorty this guy JJ was house sitting a cat and a dudes wife and nine mouths latter she had a kid i hear the babby looks just like JJ.
>What the hell is he doing in Florida? Thought he was with some guys wife in L.A. last I knew.
>>He's in Florida with his new kid.
>>>Short doesn't seem the type to run out and not pay. Hey Earlbob, do you and the Mrs. still live in that beat up Chevy Luv pickup? Congrats on your eigth kid.
>>>>Can you give me his phone number. I realy need to get my money. My wife and kids are living out of our pickup and we have a little one on the way please help. EarlBob
>>>>>I talked to Shorty in Jacksonville a few weeks ago, He said that he paid BK $10,000 in cash just before he left for RCN. Maybe you should check with BK. Maybe you two should split the bag BK bought and call it even.
>>>>>>Have you seen Elvin Higgins a.k.a. Shorty. He left the LA area oweing me about 10,000.00 buck's. Anyone with info please help. Last seen in Jacksonville Florida
Re:Have you seen Elvin Higgins
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