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Re: lineman pics

by the way jerry you do run a tight ship and have great equipment .fact is i got my work done every day and every week but no offense ..i dont work for 600 a week for no one and pay my own way.........and i think when i say by myself that what i mean is a single lineman crew guys stay safe over there......and i thought the house move went pretty smooth too but yes you did bent out of shape at the last crossing when we were stuck behind all those cars and why would you not pay me the footage??? and we agreed on a minimum 18$ an hour if i had to do hourly but that was just a verbal so yes 13$ with no ot was an insult no hard feeling we are all in the same bussiness here and everyone works hard ........i am never late i dont lay out and i do it till it's done ..........and i love california and look forward to my new gig out here it gets going tomorrow by the way i got some pics of the house move.send me your email and i will send them to you
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