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The cost of open borders revelaed

Here is the ultimate guide to a better understanding of what our gov'ts open border policy is costing us.
Very long and detailed information please visit to see the faces of the victoms of our deliquent government (both dems and reps).
In Search of a Better Life...

While legal immigrants and illegal aliens come to America for an improved standard of living, those millions of foreigners are decidedly harming the quality of life for many in this nation — from those who have been displaced in their jobs by cheap immigrant workers to taxpayers paying for endless infrastructure and services, students getting a worse education in radically “diverse” classrooms and crime victims who have suffered at the hands of criminal aliens in this country. (Please see a victims of criminal aliens flyer using the many examples found here.)

This website is dedicated to telling the stories of forgotten citizens who still hope that their American dream will not be extinguished. We continue to hope for a better America for the next generation, too, although that tradition is just as endangered by irresponsible mass immigration as our natural resources and the individual freedoms that have been our birthright up to now.

ImmigrationsHumanCost recommends increased border control and workplace enforcement with real penalties. The explosion of the underground illegal alien economy is becoming anarchy, threatening dire results for the tax base, fewer available jobs for citizens and the rule of law itself.

Government at all levels must make the prosecution and deportation of law-breaking illegal aliens a top priority. That includes drunk driving, as well as theft, rape and murder. All foreign prisoners eligible for deportation must be shipped home at the end of their sentences, not released onto American streets to commit further crimes on innocent citizens. The common excuse that these dangerous criminals "fell through the cracks" is not acceptable when our fellow citizens are being killed, raped and otherwise harmed by these invaders.

Furthermore, local governments must end their criminal-protecting sanctuary directives. Such public policy insanity is directly responsible for terrible crimes to innocents as well as making the jobs of police far more difficult. Many cities are experiencing an explosion of drug trafficking, worsened by the inability of police officers to question a suspicious person's status.

In addition, there must be an increased emphasis on proven strategies of Third World development, including microloans and availability of voluntary family planning. On a planet of six billion, the United States simply cannot rescue all of the huddled masses by dispensing a relative few million green cards. The U.S. must insist on responsible development in Third World nations and an end to the unhealthy dependence on the easy money of remittances provided by immigrants. The Mexican National Population Council estimates that more than one out of 10 families depend on remittances as their main source of income. The billions of dollars sent by immigrants severely lessen the pressure on the Mexican government to invest in expensive infrastructure and education.


Diversity Is Strength! It's Also... Drunk Driving
The influx of Mexican immigrants, most of them illegal, has made our highways far more dangerous because of culturally acceptable drunk driving among Latin Americans.

Beyond Willie Sutton: Crime and Lack of Punishment
As the planet's richest target, America attracts a diverse group of criminals from around the world, here to participate in the Super Bowl of crime. But domestic law enforcement has not responded to the level of the threat, such as in the cities where criminal-protecting sanctuary policies are in use.

Diversity's Deceptions — Washington Times, 9/5/02,
This op-ed examines the ideas behind the diversity cult and demonstrates in real-life examples how wrong-headed it is.

Tax Remittances
Published in December 2002, this article suggests that immigrant remittances be taxed at the point of money transfer and the money be used to help struggling border hospitals that are overwhelmed with the cost of treating illegal aliens.

Lady Liberty Not a Welcome Mat
The Emma Lazarus poem should be removed from any proximity to the Statue of Liberty, since it is the source of so much wrong thinking about the statue's history and meaning.

Mexico's Rich Don't Like To Pay Taxes - They Think You Should
Don't believe the Mexican hype about how poor they are: Mexico Is Rich and has more than enough resources to build its infrastructure and educate its people. But the Mexican elite find it so much easier to export poverty to the U.S. and make the American taxpayer foot the bill.

Microloans offer alternative to mass immigration
With our little planet's population doubling since 1960 from 3 to 6 billion, rescue via immigration to America cannot begin to address the needs of worldwide poverty. A better strategy exists, namely microlending, and has been adjusted into effectiveness over several decades in some of the poorest nations.

Susan B. Anthony Considered... Reflections on multicultural immigration's threat to women
Multiculturalism — the ideology that all cultures are equally worthy — shows its delusional nature with the most basic consideration of women's condition in most non-western societies. Yet America continues to welcome thousands annually from some of the world's most misogynist cultures with no demand that they assimilate.

If you have an immigration story to tell — job displacement, classrooms turned to Babel-ized sensitivity warehouses, balkanized community, women harassed by misogynous immigrant males, increased crime and drugs, small businesses endangered by illegal workers or enterprises — please contact ImmigrationsHumanCost and tell us your experience.

See our companion website,

New Postings of Victims and Criminals...

Adrienne Shelly
If there is another case of someone being murdered because of possibly reporting an illegal alien to the authorities, I don't know of it. That fact makes this crime uniquely shocking, as well as how a 40-year-old actress, Adrienne Shelly, was killed in a situation disguised to look like suicide. But what was really being hidden was the immigration status of the killer.

"I was having a bad day," illegal immigrant Diego Pillco, 19, allegedly told cops. "I didn't mean to kill her. But I did kill her."
Pillco told detectives that he punched Shelly, 40, last Wednesday afternoon outside the Abingdon Square apartment she was using as an office after she yelled at him about the noise he was making while working in a vacant apartment below. [...]
After seeing she was unconscious and believing she was dead, Pillco claimed, he dragged Shelly into her apartment, wrapped a bed sheet around her neck and attached it to a shower rod in the bathroom to make it appear she had hanged herself, sources said.
[Star's Suicide Was Killer Cover-Up, New York Post, 10/7/06]

Shelly was discovered hanged in the shower of her Greenwich Village apartment/office on Nov. 1 by her husband Andy Ostroy. Police originally thought she might have been a suicide, but the family objected that her life was going too well for that, plus a sneaker print in the bathtub was from a stranger.
Adrienne Shelly had everything to live for. She had become more interested in writing and directing, and was looking forward to the release of her film "Waitress." She had a 3-year-old daughter, Sophie.
But her life meant nothing to an illegal alien who would do anything to protect himself.

Diego Pillco, a 19-year-old illegal immigrant who had been renovating the apartment below Shelly's office, told cops in a chilling confession that he was afraid of getting arrested and deported, sources said. [Killer staged her 'suicide', New York Daily News, 10/6/06]

To be clear, the medical examiner said that Shelly died from "compression to the neck" meaning she was alive when Diego Pillco hanged her to prevent her reporting him to immigration agents.

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Rodney Johnson
It has never been easy to be a cop, but the presence today of millions of illegal aliens makes the job enormously more difficult and dangerous. That hazard is multiplied for police who work in a sanctuary city or state (see map), where they are prevented from asking about immigration status, knowledge which should be part of every officer's toolbox. In such places, the criminal is given an edge and law enforcement suffers.
We don't know whether Houston's sanctuary policy had a direct connection with the murder of Officer Rodney Johnson on Sept. 21, for example by making the city a more attractive place for the accused killer, illegal alien Juan Leonardo Quintero, to settle. We do know that the accused was previously deported in 1999 for sexual indecency with a child, so he may have wanted all the advantage he could get.
Officer Johnson had stopped Quintero for speeding, found he didn't have a license, then cuffed him and put him in the back of the squad car. Quintero somehow was able to draw a weapon which Johnson had missed, and then shot and killed the officer as he sat in the driver's seat. Quintero was quickly caught and was arraigned a day following the crime.
Rodney Johnson truly was one of Houston's Finest and had been recognized more than once for his heroic actions in the line of duty.
More details.

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Ryan Ostendorf
Everyone who knew paramedic Ryan Ostendorf agreed that he had a tremendously promising life ahead, as a cardiologist and married to his long-time girlfriend, Meagan Kennedy. But that future is not to be, because a previously deported drunk-driving illegal alien crashed head-on into Ryan's Jeep Cherokee and killed him.
A resident of Lawrence, Kansas, 28-year-old Ryan was driving to his paramedic job in Topeka when his car was hit. When the ambulance arrived on the scene, the paramedics were shocked to find the body of their friend and co-worker.
Victor Anzua-Torres was sentenced in Topeka in late June to a measly 13 years and nine months in jail for the head-on crash, which was the maximum sentence he could have received.

Anzua-Torres had a blood-alcohol level of 0.26 percent, more than three times the legal limit of 0.08, authorities said. He had no driver¹s license, had a prior drunken-driving arrest and had been deported as an illegal immigrant once before. [Drunken driver gets 13 years for fatal wreck, Lawrence Journal-World, 6/30/06]

Prosecutor Karen Wittman noted that Anzua-Torres insisted on driving to show how "bad" he was even though he was very drunk and a friend offered to drive. (Driving while drunk is believed by many hispanics to show macho attributes -- a reason why they are hugely overrepresented in drunk driving crashes.)
At sentencing, Ryan's friends and family spent two hours explaining how his death left a hole in their lives that would never go away.

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Natalie Housand
Another reminder that illegal immigration is not a victimless crime was the death of 20-year-old Natalie Housand. A resident of Tabor City, North Carolina, Natalie worked as a nursing assistant as she pursued her RN degree.
She was killed Dec. 19, 2004, by Jose Jesus Garcia Lopez, when an SUV driven by him struck her car as he swerved into her lane. Lopez, an illegal alien, testified at trial that he was too drunk to remember the head-on collision that killed Natalie Housand. A witness said that Lopez' vehicle was traveling at 100 mph and that the SUV's brake lights never went on.
Lopez was convicted May 26 of involuntary manslaughter plus assault with a deadly weapon, and will serve a maximum of 81 months in prison.
Natalie's family and friends put together a remembrance website to celebrate her all-too-brief life, filled with photos and loving tributes.

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Sean and Donna Wilson
Add Donna and Sean Wilson of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, to the terrible list of innocent Americans killed by illegals aliens with numerous prior arrests. The Wilsons' shocking deaths from a frontal collision in a June 8 DUI accident were entirely preventable, and would never have happened if the government were doing its primary job of keeping out invaders.
Just when you think the immigration bureaucracy can't get any more inept, you read something like this headline: Man not deported after 14 arrests (The Tennessean, 6/16/06).

Federal and local authorities are trying to figure out how an illegal immigrant from Mexico managed to avoid deportation despite being arrested more than a dozen times in the past five years, agency officials said Thursday.
Gustavo Reyes Garcia, 28, has accumulated dozens of criminal charges and been arrested 14 times in Nashville without being flagged by federal authorities for being in the country illegally.

Heather Wilson Steffek On June 26, the Wilsons' daughter Heather Steffek appeared in a press conference with gubernatorial candidate Jim Bryson, expressing her shock that such a dangerous serial criminal could be allowed to remain in the United States. Many Americans have been similarly appalled to learn that the government takes so little care about their loved ones' safety.

"Part of the shock of the tragedy is learning there is simply no laws in place at the local or state level to aide deportation of a serial criminal who is an illegal alien," Steffek said. "I'm asking the governor to please support legislation that would remove criminal illegal immigrants from our midst."

The accused killer had five previous DUIs, and was a tragedy waiting to happen. As various studies have shown, hispanics drive drunk at substantially higher rates than Americans.

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Jordin Paulder
It is hard to fathom how anyone could bury an axe in the head of an innocent nine-year-old boy, but that was the unimaginable fate of Jordin Paulder of Fulton County, Georgia, on June 5. The killer was "Honduran native" Santos Benigno Cabrera Borjas.

Three children were playing in the parking lot of the Chastain Apartments in Sandy Springs early Monday evening when a red car with a wobbly wheel drove through.
Jordin Paulder, a 9-year-old boy with chubby cheeks, called out to the car's passengers to tell them of the bad tire.
Jordin didn't mean to insult anybody, he just thought they should know, witnesses told police.
But the car stopped. A man got out and slammed an ax into Jordin's face. Emergency workers were afraid to remove the ax during the helicopter flight to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite hospital, where Jordin died. [Boy, 9, hacked to death, 6/7/06, Atlanta Journal-Constitution]

When the police approached the crime scene, Cabrera Borjas fled to a nearby apartment complex. After he broke an officer's arm by throwing a tire iron (or maybe a "rimmed tire" — accounts differ) and made threats with an iron pipe, the officer shot and killed him.
Since the accused killer is dead, there will be no trial to remind the public that illegal immigration is
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Re: The cost of open borders revelaed Clean Splice 11/18/2006 12:05:00 PM