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Sure is a small world , seems like just yesterday I was a young hook splicing CInn Ohio , bringing Cable to thousands for the first time in their lives.Those were the days, We took care of each other , you could count on most in the biz being oldschool craftsman. People say times are different, yes they are , but now its more people are different ,times have changed. Its nice to be working with a company filled with oldschool, its like going back in time. Rebuilds and upgrades popping up every where ,splicers once again hens teeth , I love those adds will train , thats who I want cutting my cable. Whats all this coming to, bigger ,better faster. Its been said the future of our industry lies in glass , fiber to the house. You might say whats so special about fiber to the house, Here's a comparson lets say our current fastest internet was downloading the library of congress , it would take 45 days, over a glass/fiber it would take 45 seconds thats what the race is about , once the first systems are completed others will follow. What better way to walk into the future than with oldschool people you can trust.Its nice to be here in Kansas worling with Motorola/Jerrold I think the Mother Company that owns these large systems here knows the lick. I was part of the dicussion of Jerrold amps. I like SA and C cor also they are all good gear but all as we now know it on their way to being dinosaurs. Glass, the future of the industry. What does that mean to all of us. Job security ,systems will be built. I've spent most of my life on this road, some say I'm gonna settle down and stay around home. Not Me At least I'm gettin old enough that the kids are coming in the biz with dad. Whats the future , Work ,Work, Work getter Done!! See Ya Down that Cabl. Road.
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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Re: Glass to the HOUSE!!/REAPER WHAT YE SEW!! Wife of a cable guy 11/8/2006 7:33:00 AM