Fact-Iraq has cost us 300 BILLION dollars(personally I bet much more), much going to companies no one but neo-cons have sympathy for(Like Haliburton). I bet we could build some levees that could stop cat 5 hurricanes(on all cities in hurricane alley) with that kind of money.
Fact-2709 US deaths in Iraq, gotta figure 4 times that # in casualties. Even uber-liberals support our soldiers, to support otherwise is silly. They have kids too.
Fact-130,000 Iraqi deaths, are their lives less worthy than ours. In the great sperm lottery, we could be them.
Fact-Bush is a dumbazz. To suggest otherwise shows your biased or you are much like him.
My Opininion-We're creating more terrorists, than we are killing.
What happened to the grand ole Republican party, when I was younger, they gave a damn about being fiscaslly conservative, nagged the hell out of dems. about taxing and spending. What a turnaround.
They did not let the neo-cons control the party. They were the party of less goverment.
Vote Libertarian!!!
Re: How Does the US Leave Iraq Gracefully
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