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Re: Target French owned and not Veteran friendly.

Well well well what we have here is a failure to read and conceive just plain-o-laziness. Gotta hand it to bushmaster post something then walks away. Methinks he did it on purpass. If some weren't so quick to jump on the bandwagon and to lazy to check something out or read the whole thread you might retract what you all posted. But doubt it bcz it had a key word in it like French and that 's good enough for me. Just goes to show that you do believe everything you hear or read because you can't think for yourself PERIOD. For the non-retractors read "uboatcmder's" posts 9/20 @11:47:31am 9/21/06 @9:57:32am and "newcatv" @9/22/06 7:37:56am that is if, you can pull yourself away from newsmax, faux news or the oxymoron or wake up that lazy intellect (if it exsist)?

I got a solution you all get together at wally-world for a circle jerk and help the troops bcz in the long run, round about way that's what your doing. Let me see if I can keep this straight. The Chionese send their products ACROSS the ocean to wally-world USA. USA wally-world money goes BACK ACROSS ocean to China. China sends money BACK ACROSS ocean to loan USA for Iraqi Attacky and/or other "Freedoms"(all foreign to me). USA sends money & ammo BACK ACROSS ocean to Iraq. CIRCLE JERK is complete "Mission Accomplished", GET IT? Whew that was hard work but rest assured I had my shirt sleeves rolled up for the photo-op cuz there's lot more work to be done here and over there "Trust ME","I Know What I'm Talking About","I'm The Decider" fighting the "Evildoers" with stratoragies, don't deny me with your tax money either because, I might go nucluur.

Oh, did I mention not, to worry about the 2.2 BILLION in Interest monies your great grand kids will be paying on, you remember the money borrowed from China Korea & Japan. But don't READ LISTEN or WATCH any other than the above mentioned news breaking mediums because how else will you justify your denial that everythings going great.

Hey bushcorp has 2-3 more trade agreements in the fire too. clinton started with nafta, gw with cafta and beyond. Why don't they just lump them together kinda like homeland security and call them "SHAFTA" then bush can make a funny and say, cuz I havta(that prez he's a funny guy) spread freedoms and fair trade around the globe to lift these folks out of poverty while the decider drives us into third world by lowering wage bases and giving the green light to the corps. to outsource manufacturing jobs. "Trust Me I Know What I'm Talking About" they'll be plenty of jobs in home contruction for the illegals(joke) & in retail like wally-world to sell those Chionese products. And the rest of American jobs will be government, lawyers, ins.(the helping hands folks) and maybe medical if they don't quite cutting funds for college. Techno jobs if that's what you want to call them ans. phones for computer problems well, we know where they're going and in 2-3 yrs that will be saturated. Happy days are here again.

Give me time tho, there's a lot more work to be done, on that acronym, "S.H.A.F.T.A.".
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Posted in reply to: Re: Target French owned and not Veteran friendly. by cablenut2
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