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Re: Think before you speak

You know we hear about these things for years until it becomes so embedded in our memory that we soon seem to remember having personally witnessed these events. For enstance I can personally recall the Bozo "Cram it clown" incident, but several urban legends site say that while plausible (due to the fact the shows aired live and unedited) in reality it never happened. One of the guys who played Bozo a few years ago claimed the legend is true, but nothing has ever been preseted to back up his claim (BTW, the same guy also claims to be the originator and origianl Bozo, something that has been proven to be false).
Point is, when it comes to a brief moment in time such as these supposed events, what we remember may not always be what really happened.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Think before you speak by uboatcmdr
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Re: Think before you speak stupidcableguy00 9/20/2006 5:56:00 PM