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Re: Hindsight Is Always 20/20

Politicians are all the same. American politics is all the same whether it be in the government, the media or in business. They ridicule what they don't understand and act like they know more than those who do it everyday. Soldiers don't start wars politicians do. No politician's son or daughter ever will go into the armed forces and see ample combat. But the average Joe's child will possibly do hand to hand with someone trained by us. **** the Republicans and the Democrats they are both the same. These people express certain views while they campaign to attract their constituents but when they get in they forget to fulfill their promises. The both parties exist to make sure that they can organize their voters. Republicans are for Big Business the Rich and Powerful White America. The Democrats are for the poor, minorities who are either abused or impoverished. As we all go through life we realize that things aren't always what we thought they were. All white people aren't racists. All Black people don't want handouts or the paved road to success. If you think that a "Black Man" who grew up in a ghetto goes to Harvard graduates and runs on the republican party will ever get elected in his hometown will win you are a fool. Same thing for a "White Man" who grew up in a upper class background in Georgia and is educated at a predominantly black school and tries to get elected in his home town. There is no way that either one still believes in everything that they were previously taught after being exposed to the others sides' views. All politicians are crooked greedy liars. If they were not they would never succeed in America or be a part of a party. You will never have the same exact view for the rest of their lives or careers. When you do away with PACs and lobbyists politics will be a little more honest.
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Posted in reply to: Hindsight Is Always 20/20 by Wolf1
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Re: Hindsight Is Always 20/20 Wolf1 9/5/2006 11:05:00 AM