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Re: hsp's and and their poor tech's

I also am hsp FREE FOREVER. I have NEVER worked for one that was worth a flip. In fact the last crooks I worked for STILL owe me just under $1500.00. and that doesn't include the thousands over the years I lost to various crooks in the business who ALWAYS make great promises and somehow can't recall your number when they owe you money.
Well I found a solution. I became a dealer and now I only have to answer to myself. You're right, I don't have 40 jobs a week. But, I DO have control over what happens in my day-to-day life. And I make about what I made working for crooks who could NEVER seem to add up my check right, but it was strange how they could ALWAYS add when it came to chargebacks, Etc.
Yes, I generate ALL my own business, but its NOT as hard as you guy's seem to think it is. I have been in this business since 1994 I am amused by people who will work 12-16 hours a day, drive hundreds of miles a day, Stay in motels, campgrounds, on the side of the road, pay ALL the expenses now-a-days, not get paid what they were told they would get paid, and yet don't have enough faith in themselves to take control over their work life.
How many times have you got customers for your employer, or SAVED jobs for your employer. How many times have you given away work, because you were told you couldn't charge for it or the customer said your company said there was no charge ( which you verified ). Why don't most of you realize your ALREADY in business for yourself. Your just GIVING AWAY the bulk of it because you seem to think you can't do it ( be your own dealer ) but basicly YOU ALREADY ARE.
Let me see if I have this right, MOST of you have to supply truck AND tools and auto insurance, MOST of you have to have contractors insurance, MOST of you supply ALL drop materials, MOST of you get a workorder, contact the customer ( on your dime ) make arrangements to get to the customers house, do ALL the work and activate the system. Then YOU do all the paperwork correctly (or you don't get paid) and fax or get the paperwork to your manager/ supervisor. Now where exactly are you NOT in business for yourself ?????????
If most of you would take the time to explore the possibility, you could do it and be much happier. If you spent half the time generating your own work as you do working for crooks who may or may not pay you, you could do VERY well. I work half as much as I did for years and make pretty much the same money. I am NOT saying that it is easy, but look at the hours your ALREADY putting in and tell me how easy that is. Your ALREADY doing it.
I will NEVER work for another crook in this business, because I took control over it, you can to. AGAIN, its NOT easy, but I've not been this happy since Primestar.
Good Luck to you ALL !!!!!(wave)(wave)(wave)(wave)(wave)

PS. I work for myself and by myself.
This is posting #174423. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: hsp's and and their poor tech's by alex101tech
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: hsp's and and their poor tech's x Greasemonkey 8/22/2006 10:50:00 PM