Designed for use with MapInfo Professional, MediaPrints is unequaled for visualizing cable TV coverage. Featuring data from the Television & Cable Factbook, MediaPrints includes digital service areas, high speed Internet access areas, with cable overbuilds and wireless systems represented as separate mapping layers.
Locate and analyze cable franchise service territories with MediaPrints. With the increase in mergers between cable operators MediaPrints is extremely useful for researching and understanding the market structure of the competitive landscape.
ID number, Principal community, Primary owner/MSO, State of principal community, Local company name, Basic subscribers, Local advertising insert, Headend, HUBS, Additional subscribers, Digital tier, MSO rank, DMA rank, Addressable homes, Homes passed, Pay units, COAX miles, Fiber mile, Channel capacity, Channels not in use, Two-way capable, Operating two-way, High speed Internet service, Internet date, Internet subscribers, Monthly fee, Installation fee, ISP name.