Dude, Sorry about the bummer weekend but like others have said it`s nothing in the main scheme of things. I`ve been there done that more then I care to recall. Of course I`m on burrowed time myself since 1980 (something about kissing a deer on a motercycle going 45 MPH). Life really stinks sometimes But it`s also grand as well although less often. IF I would have died in that crash i would have missed out on the following and more:
Knowing what REAL true love is and that you ARE worth something of value to others. Learning wisdom ( The UPSIDE of getting older) Enjoying life and knowing it`s alot like the weather.
good days and bad but always changing. I was always a Blue collar worker and I saw the other side so to speak.(management UGGG) Seeing what its like to mold little skulls of mush (nephews ,being foster parents) ect.... I think one of the biggest lessons is finding out that you CAN do most anything you put your mind to do even in the face of adversity.
Take care.