I entered the place walked up to the counter and this nice young girl asked me what I'd like. "Well I'd like a chocolate ice cream please."
And this is where things got weird, what kind of chocolate she asked, dark chocolate, white, dutch, swirled, soft, hard, chunky, I said hey I just want chocolate, just plain ole chocolate ok, you do have just plain chocolate right? And then came the cone! They had sugar cones, waffle cones, hard cones, dipped,,, hey look, I just want a plain old chocolate ice cream in a plain old cone, see again gave me the look and then here cam,e the toppings, they had sprinkles, chunks, nuts, whipped cream,,,
I walked out.
Now I think I know why I stopped going into Dairy Queen, it must have been about the time I exited child hood, kids enjoy this kind of challenge, it makes their day, I guess when you get older you have more on your mind than you know until you are faced with options, it's just one more thing to waste brain matter on, and by this time in your life you have already learned what you like through trial and error, waitresses love me, I don't need a menu it's 3 over easy, sausage, hash browns toast and coffee, for dinner it's the house steak rare and for desert, well with me it's A God Damned Plain Ole Chocolate F##kin Ice Cream!