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Twin Towers

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I Lived In New York City In 1975-76 . Looking Out My Bedroom Window From Governors Island, Twin Towers To The North, Ellis Island Straight West, Statue Of Liberty To The South West. It Tore Out My Heart When The Towers Fell.

Now How Can We Condemn Hollywood For Trying To Profit From A Movie About This. It Was A Slap In The Face For Every American, And I Believe It Should Be On Tv Every Day So That No One Will Ever Forget, And Will Always Remember Who Did This To Us.

How Can We Slam Hollywood When A Good Share Of Our Own Industry Has Their Fingers Crossed Waiting For The Next Storm To Destroy Some One Else's Lives So We Can Make Good Money From Their Misfortune?

These Storms Devastate Just As Many Lives As 9-11 Did.
We Should All Volunteer Our Services To Help Get These Folks Back On Line , I Dont Think That Will Ever Happen.

That Is My Opinion Please Feel Free To Add Yours

Kevin Zack
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Re: Twin Towers undergroundawg1 8/3/2006 8:10:00 PM