Life is Good , Packing up the House, I just can't leave and worry about all my stuff, can't say a hurricane will come here , but I cant say it won't either . You know how they like this area. I hope one hits Daytona Bch Florida . Some might say "That sorry rascall, wishing something like that on Datona" I guess if I was gonna wish something , that would be the place. If I went there and rented a small farm . We could throw down with one Helluva Cable Dog Party during Bike Week , kinda like Woodstock years back!! I hope your winding thing things up around here , as You said about Chris . Time to get Paid!! Sharpen Your Hooks!
[bounce "WHITFIELD"
Like Boy Scouts , Green is Good
Re: Hurricanes
Member #: 695
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I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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