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Stay away from Sacramento

The plant is in horrible condition and the headend is screwed up along with the fact there are no parts and it is mostly rear easement and no one cares if you come or go or starve to death.
Oh and don't forget the heat 11 straight days over 100 degrees.
My friends out there are trying to stick it out but form what i have heard it is time to run let Comcast do it themselves with that spec.
This is posting #172826. Tiny Link:
There are 6 replies to this message
Re: Stay away from Sacramento guerillasplicer 7/28/2006 11:40:00 PM
Re: Stay away from Sacramento guerillasplicer 7/28/2006 11:39:00 PM
Re: Stay away from Sacramento Bigfeet 7/28/2006 11:28:00 PM
Re: Stay away from Sacramento Lighthead 7/28/2006 9:24:00 PM
Re: Stay away from Sacramento Cablebeav 7/28/2006 5:26:00 PM
Re: Stay away from Sacramento messenger 7/28/2006 9:36:00 AM