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Have you heard the only one who likes change is a baby with a wet diaper?
Neighbors times are a changing, John Q Public likes this FTTP stuff. Down here in Tampa we can't build it fast enough, now if you want a piece of this pie you need to hang up your hooks and buy a HDD rig and recruit a herd of Hispanic laborers, most of the work is underground.
CATV is placing bandages on their system, I have CATV and my internet and phone don't work about 15% of the time and if I could get FTTP I would.
The big "V" is growing fast, as soon as we get the light on they procure the charter for the video. Their initial offering is considerably less than the $126 I pay monthly.
Old school was about what one man could do, now days it's about what you can get done. The past was great, remember it long, but it is gone.
Just my opinion for what little it is worth.
"A good ditchdigger needs to be a little smarter than dirt!!!"
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Re: Change deleted 7/22/2006 10:08:00 AM