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Wildblue rates already dropping

I would like everyone to know that it is already starting with wildblue. Back in feb of '06 when I first heard of wildblue, the going rate was $140.00 plus extras. Its one of the things that intially attracted me to Wildblue. Now barely 6 months later, I can hardly find anyone that is paying much over $100.00. I am also running in to a few companies where AGAIN they are giving the extras away
I have been on 3 service calls this week where the installs are complete hack jobs. But the hsp is wanting the system UP AND RUNNING for service call rates. Not gonna happen. Send the hack back out there to reinstall what they should have done right the first itme and got paid for
The moral is, ladies and gentlemen , That if you are thinking of going to the expense of becoming Wildblue certified and think your going to make some money, you had BETTER check out what your going to get paid. Because I am seeing the prices drop like a rock already here in Texas.
I don't know if other parts of the country are experiencing this not so suttle install rate reduction , but I would like to know. AND IF YOU ARE, please think twice before spending the money you WILL have to pay to become certified only to have it be as worthless as toilet paper in a few more months if this pay reduction keeps up.

ANY comments?(nono)
This is posting #172072. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Wildblue rates already dropping nrb1 7/18/2006 10:22:00 PM
Re: Wildblue rates already dropping Gwester843 7/18/2006 8:49:00 PM
Re: Wildblue rates already dropping Chopps 7/18/2006 6:56:00 PM
Re: Wildblue rates already dropping oldschooldbstech 7/17/2006 2:11:00 AM