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Why don't all you union crying babies just quit the company that you have to cry about and find one that treats you fair? By doing this you will either cause the "bad" companies to go under or force them to change-for the better. I'm so sick of coming on hear only to hear about union this and union that. And Trey-if you look when he joined and the number of posts he has does that not make you wonder what he does allday? I've been in one part of this business or another(cable side only) for 14 yrs. and I've made a good living by only working for the companies that treat me right. In that time I've worked for 3 companies and have everything I want and need. Before I even think about switching companies I do my homework. All you satellite techs out there just quit and go into cable- this will force all those crappy companys down and make the direct tvs and dish networks to wake up and only do bus. with the reputable contractors and if all the techs that work for crappy MSO primes quit and go to a better contractor this will give the primes better bargaining power to raise their rates( to whats fair) since the hack companies will have no techs. The average tech can have "a say"(without unions) by not working for the wanna be primes that roll into town and get contracts from the MSO's at such low prices they can't afford to pay fair or end up not paying at all. Its all really simple-Only Work For The Primes That Treat You Fair-- By doing this -then we can all come on this site and talk about how great things are. Just a thought
This is posting #171989. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
union? sumahit 7/16/2006 5:12:00 AM
Re: Unions Gwester843 7/15/2006 8:07:00 AM