Re: 1099 questions?
There is no such thing as a "1099 Employee". You are either W-2 based or 1099. If you are W-2, the company in which you are "employed" by is responsible for adminstrating all applicable Fed/State/FICA/SST, etc. withholdings as well as workmens compensation. In the CATV Installation industry, the company whom you have obtained W-2 employment through is responsible for all applicable liability insurance requirements as well. If you are a 1099 based subcontractor, all of the above is your responsibility to administrate as well as all applicable operating expenses such as truck, fuel, cell phone etc. Net, net in most instances, it is better $peaking to otain W-2 based employment when one considers all of the expenses that you will incur by operating as a 1099. Hope this clears up the confusion.
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