Damn I'd better run right over to dko's and blatantly remind them that they blatantly want to kill purgie gee ha-whiz bushcorp. Walker Texas Ranger the Cardboard Cut-Out Cowboy. Bet they don't even realize they broke the law threatening ol' barney fife one syllable. How absurd, got any proof? Get your fax straight like flair & phallused faux news and bill o'lielly(tee hee) credi-hillbillity breaking news at it's finest. Please tell me saddam who's insane & osama conspired to hit the towers then, I'll know there's no use talking. While your at it explain why, how great thou art, made the comment that bin laden wasn't a big concern of his(something to that effect) then I might believe what you said about ko's. Show me the facts? Unbelievable. Actually I've quit blaming gw & clinton, I just simply blame those thugs Washington and Franklin & most deff. those freedom fryers from France that floated the free world's revolting cause. Here's some trivial trivia questions(sorry if that was redundant rhetoric): Who supplied Iraq/saddam with WMD's that he used on his own people(and silently stood by)(what was the time frame of that)(rep. or dem. prez)? Who tricked saddam into attacking Kuwait then rode in like the seventh to be the heroes. Who propt, trained and flipped the bill for osama to fight the Russian's in Afgani (your tax dollars at work).Want to mention the oil for food scandal, you'll have to dig real, real deep on that one. Survey says. Need help? Do the research. But then again if you don't want to admit it no one can/will change your mind nor anyone else's. ........... Sherman polish up the wayback machine. Gotta sorta kinda friend who named his 3yr old daughter after reagan, he's 30. I'm just guessing(I like to guess pi$$ on the facts) he wasn't a big tax payer from 80-88' or for that matter from 76' on when the economic reprecussions from Nam hit the wall or that he doesn't rem. the high interest & good times(reaganomics & the trickle up effect). Just as the wave hasn't hit us from Iraqi Attacky in real time yet. Let's blame it on the 73-74' oil embargo. Food for thought: I was sitting on the sunny beaches south of L.A.(summer of 74') wondering what those 4 tankers were doing. Were they bringing oil in, sucking it out or sitting on it? Ed. guess, sitting on it, hmmm just mighta been another scam. Facts straight, pretty much so, enough I'm not worried. I must be a traitor or hate America, noooot. Just think I've watched the US gov. & 2 party system for about 40yrs that it's about pitting one side against the other to hide the truth as the lobbyist shellac the corporations the lawyers write up 10's of thousands of paperwork to bury the evidence as the coffers are blindly robbed. I think the aisle is crooked between both sides. Hey I can be just as opinionated as the next, free country isn't it? Well isn't it?

For those who can't see very well HD Braille will be available on this site soon. Wait a minute did I just make a false statement?