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Re: Accutrac Meter "over current" issue

even the birdog meter has these same issues. you will find that you will get " lnb short" errors on the birdog as well from dishpro and dishpro plus lnbs. my suggestion to you, is to do what all our techs do, carry a legacy dual lnb. use it in the 119 and 110 openings as well as the 61.5 when tuning the dish, then remove it and just put the dishpro or proplus unit in once the dish itself is fine tuned and tightened. you'll find your battery will last alot longer and you'll avoid the shorting issues. using the legacy lnb, i can use my birdog for a full week without charging it, and my old blue accutrac would last almost as long too. hope this helps you out.

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Posted in reply to: Accutrac Meter "over current" issue by andrewbyrd
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Re: Accutrac Meter "over current" issue TRT2install 6/30/2006 9:41:00 PM