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Re: Sounds of Freedom

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" is more like it. I-deals=bushcorp+(70-80)congressional cronies. With all due respect to this serviceman I wonder where some folks get their facts? flair & phallused faux news from the likes of hannibal or o'lielly maybe rush the oxy-moron maybe savage the real weiner maybe the reg. joe maybe tweety bird maybe timma mr. potato head and on & on into the abyss, ckeck. The reports that i've read of the oil in Anwar would help for 18-24mths. Maybe the decade thing got mixed up with what i've read that it would take 10-20yrs to put this oil into production. From what i've read USA only gets 7-8% of oil from the Middle East. Canada better not piss US off, we'd better not piss them off. Since they claim to have enough errl in their sand pits to supply us for 100yrs. Don't forget where we get alot of our lumber from since the big corps & gov. have raped our natural resources without future planning, as if there'd be no end to it. France I ain't got no beef, better read a little history of the American Revolution. We/You would not be standing on American Soil if it was not for France floating us money. Since Iraqi Attacky started a barrel of oil has gone from 20-22 per to the present around $70. Can't for the life of me think why supply and demand just suddenly surged since 2003'. WTF were people world wide rationing & some big explosion happened. Ya it happened & Iraq's oil was supposed to rebuild their infrastructure instead yours/ours tax dollars are paying for it. Anybody care to explain why the dow has gone up roughly 3500 pts since oh, let me think, around say May or June of 2003'? Gotta go, get back to me on these things, O-tay. Or better yet help yourself to the information on the web. Peace!
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Re: Sounds of Freedom cablemafia2 6/30/2006 12:50:00 AM
Re: Sounds of Freedom deleted 6/21/2006 8:21:00 PM