This may seem like a stupid question , but , could I ask it any way ? Can you somehow check with the customer , and ask them is this an intermittent or constant condition ? Does it only happen when they call certain people ? Have you tried a different phone ? Is it a wireless phone connected to the voip ? You may have great SNR on the Internet Connection , but , there could be interferrence on either end . If they are calling a wireless or cellular phone , the possibilites double . They might very well be calling someone with problems on the other end , such as fringe coverage in a cellular market , or an out-dated wireless handset . If possible , start with the most generic set-up possible , and dial a known hard wired land-line , and then gradually add complications or options until the condition presents itself . If you have already considered these possibilites than excuse me for wasting your time , but , I have always been told that 2 heads are better than 1 , and that the only stupid question is the one that was never asked . Good luck . Let us know what you discover .