Re: Uno deMayo
Member #: 290
Registered: 1996-2001
Great Pacific North West
~44 years
C'mon trey. It is great that we can protest in this country. And that is a great way to get your point across. And effect change. I am glad we can do that as a people. But illegal is illegal. They (illegal) have no right to protest. Point of fact is they should not be here period. I have seen many a post on here. Where you champion legal. Yes some of those people are legal. Some people talk about the risk of crossing the desert to come here. All crime comes with risk. Just because you risk your life to commit a crime does not make it good. Nor should anyone condone that crime. Just think about all those people waiting in line to come to this country legally. They are willing to play by the rules. They would be just as willing to do the work, that the illegals claim they are the only ones willing to do. How can you let people immigrate legally to do the work, become legal citizens. When hoards of people cross our borders and invade our land as criminals. They know this is wrong! They do not have any regard for our laws. Nor do they care. They just see a weak spot in our border and our Government. Go to any of these immigrant invasion encampments. Located in all our communities across the country. You will see the illegals proudly displaying the flags of their homelands. Would it not be a good thing if they came here and displayed their gratitude by displaying the American flag. How about some effort to assimilate to the the American way of life. What about the in your face display of our crimes, entitle us to violate the law, go to front of the line, and to heck with those trying to do the right thing. They for the most part, have no desire to play by the rules, Of our country. They only want to take from us without concern for our laws and heritage. For more than 200 years immigrants have come to this country. They come here legally. They endured the hardships of legal immigration. They have made tremendous contributions to our country. They did it with legal immigration. Our Government has not been heartless with immigration. We have let many people to the front of the line for humanitarian reasons. Do you think the country of Mexico has 48 embassies in this country to protect legal immigration here. Those embassies are not for legal immigration. They are to get the money back to Mexico. And to facilitate the combining of the two Governments. They are seeking participation in the rule of our land. They have done a good job of undermining our laws. Now we are stuck with a huge population of illegal people. These people are not loyal to us and our way of life. When these illegals protest. They are displaying foreign flags. In your face brown power slogans. (unless instructed other wise by special interest) The Government of Mexico is very active in this country. Those illegals have turned this into what is now termed a civil rights movement. Go figure. I am not saying all those illegals are bad people. What they are doing should not be allowed.

This is CABL.com posting #167145. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mRD3
Posted in reply to: Re: Uno deMayo by Trey9007
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