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Re: hard on illegals?

Warren Im going to give the benefit of a doubt. I know you know about RTW, so Im going to assume you asking why dont unions themselves make it voluntary to pay dues. Uboat did describe a workers right under RTW laws, not the rights under the unions constitution.

Each union has their own constitution. There could be a union out there that allows for voluntary dues. If you as a group of workers are looking for a union to join that has voluntary dues, then you can find one or you can even start your own. But if you choose a union and their constitution calls that dues are mandatory, you made that choice. Once in that union you can fight to change the constitution, but until then you must follow the rules. Remember, the workers vote the union in. Its not the other way around.

How can you run an effective organization if you have the dues of 500 members supporting the cost of 1000. Its takes money to EFFECTIVELY bargain and enforce a contract. A labor contract alone does not keep a worker protected. Just like the laws of our government does not alone keep a worker protected. IF someone knows you dont have the ability to take them to court, they will violate your rights. We see it everyday in this line of work. A contract alone, does not stop a company from violoating the contract. The unions ability to enforce that contract is a huge factor. If a company knows you can only afford 5 arbitration hearings a year. Trust me, Jan 1 the company will violate the contract 5 times to bust your bank. If you cant arbitrate, you cant fully and effectively enforce your contract, and protect your members, which pretty much makes the contract null and void.

It takes money to have GOOD lawyers, it takes money to file motioins in courts, and it takes money to use arbitraitors, these and other things are a must if you want to be able to effectively protect your members rights under a contract. So if you want voluntary dues, you would probably need to agree that the union have voluntary choices of which members to go to bat for. WHich is what RTW supporters want. They want to put unions in that position so that it will cause havoc in the bargaining unit. People will want to know why one issue was fought for, but not another.

This is why anti RTW people feel RTW supporters are idiots, especially the ones who feel this a pro-worker bill. If you actually feel being able to be a "free rider" is good thing that says alot about a person. RTW is hailed as a bill that is pro worker. Even though all it does is weakens a workers ability to enforce the collective bargaining agreement he works under. Especially since before RTW, workers had Beck rights, which allows a worker to only pay the percentage of dues needed to enforce the contract he works under. WHat kind of person would want to receive all the benefits of a union contract, but not pay his fair share of the price it took to get it. Ill tell you what kind of person would do that, A SCAB!!
This is posting #166949. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: hard on illegals? by Trey9007
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: hard on illegals? warrenrf 5/1/2006 9:01:00 PM
Re: hard on illegals? Gwester843 5/1/2006 10:31:00 AM