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Re: "This Debate"

It is about legal vs. illegal. I am all for it to be legal. What gets lost in all this passion. Is the fact that there are many people waiting in line to get in this country legally. What about them. They are the people who are really making the effort to become legal citizens. (Hello Legal) They should be the ones to get the first opportunity at a life in this country. Just because people share a common border with us. And found that it was easy to violate our sovereign borders. Violate all applicable laws of Immigration, Residency, Employment, and so on. Should not mean they get special consideration. It is about Humanity. It is also about balance. Do not forget about our own poor Citizens. They should have just as much effort and resources put into them. As special interest, and Corporations pour into illegal human labor. Yes our poor want a better want a better life. So do people who do not share a common border with us. I'm proud that so many people want to be here. But immigration must be legal. It should multi cultural.
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Posted in reply to: "This Debate" by crawl2much
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: "This Debate" crawl2much 4/12/2006 2:24:00 PM