Since we're into posting websites tonight:
Basically, it says this:
In Illinois, a condominium resident has the right to fly the Ameri-can flag, despite any of his building’s contracts or covenants with contrary effect;
....with this footnote
1 See 765 ILL. COMP. STAT. ANN. 605/18.6 (West Supp. 2004) (“Notwithstanding any provi-sion in the declaration, bylaws, rules, regulations, or . . . other instruments of a condominium as-sociation . . . , a board may not prohibit the display of the American flag or a military flag, or both,” but a board may regulate the placement and manner of display of the flag through the adoption of regulations consistent with “Title 4 of the United States Code.”). Other states have passed similar laws. See Recent Legislation, 117 HARV. L. REV. 2047, 2048 & n.11 (2004) (citing examples of similar statutes in California, Florida, and Arizona).