You forgot :
Getting smashed in Chestnut Ridge and Emory Park back in the 1970's watching all the teenage girls burn their bras to protest the Vietnam War and piss their parents off.
Hanging out at various places like "The Belle Star", "Knickerbockers", "Harvey & Corkeys Stage One", "Bullwinkels", "Metzger's Lounge", "Neros", "Shadracks", "Mickey Rats", "Mulligans" "The Buffalo Irish Center" and hundreds of other places spaning from Hamburg/Gowanda to almost Niagria Falls back in the "old days".
Laughing at the people who hung out at meat markets like "Ali Babbas" in East Aurora and "Uncle Sams" in Cheektowaga.
Getting into at least one fight a weekend over either one of these 3-things; talking with some girl in a bar and her jealous boyfriend show up, finding a Miami fan, a quarter on the pool table and whos game it belonged to.
Remembering the "Buffalo Bar Book" back in 1976 where you bought it for $10.00 and it had tickets to drink 1-free beer/mixed drink at over 250-bars from Ellicotville to the Falls and gas was only like .58/gal.
Going to see John Valby play whenever he was in town and laughing so hard you could hardly stand up. (By the way, he just turned 60-years old and still plays and is a good friend of mine).
Going to Baker High School football games and the biggest threat was Timon. Then going to ECC Beer Blasts in Williamsville when the legal drinking age was only 18.
Going to anti-Ayatollah Khomeini parties in the late 1970's & early 1980's in all the local bars to support the American hostages held in Teran, Iran until Regan was sworn in and they were released. (How many remember that?)
"Billy Beer" was actually "Utica Club" in Western New York distribution.
"Talas", "Cock Robin" and "The Curtis Lowe Band" were the hottest thing going. BTW, I graduated highschool with 3- members of the "Curtis Lowe Band" in 1976. HOW TIME FLYS!!!
The list goes on and on......those were wild times back in those days and I thank God I am still here to remember them! But I got to admit that nomatter where I go, I always meet a Buffalonian and they still are a cool as the old home town! I remember once in Anaheim, CA at a Sabres game back in 1984......well, nevermind, that is another story!!!!
Re: Buffalo
Member #: 7190
Registered: 1996-2001
Greg Tobin
Greg Tobin
Interactive Broadband Technical Services
HFC Engineer/Consultant
~46 years
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