This is really a question of you get what you pay for . You want something for free , well , there really is no such thing , If you get something for free , believe me , you are paying for it somewhere ( maybe not with money ) , but there will be a trade-off . Why take a investment of money ( your computer system , including memory and software ) an investment of your time ( data entry , office hours ) , and investment of your company's future ( customer database , sales history , tax information , etc. ) and trust all that investment with a freebie ? That is like putting somebody's used engine oil in your brand new car engine . Is there a warranty with that drain pan ?
Most all AV is written to work in the environment it is designed for . Read Me files and Packaging , as well as web sites and Knowledge Bases will inform you of any issues or conflicts .
The majority of any problems I have encountered were due either to not thoroughly following directions ( usually due to anxiety or impatience , or thinking I know it all-ism ) , or a previous version that was either installed improperly or did not un-install correctly . Norton is my personal choice , and I am sure there are other great AV programs . I don't consider my self to be a computer Geek ( no degree ) , but have been around them since before Basic language ( before Windows ) , have built my own desktops , and can trouble-shoot better than any Call Center CSR who is working out of a scripted help manual .
I am not going to argue this post any further than my reply to your reply . Just like the rest of this Bar , if you want the best help and the right answers , ask the individuals who have the experience , and accept thier advice for what it is . Other-wise , take what ever you want for FREE , AS-IS ; and do whatever you care to do with it . You want help , just ask , you want to provoke an argument , well , it's just not worth it !