OMG , this is just another example of how we subs are driven to our knees through rate reduction . This is what makes some of us old dawgs so furious . 15 years ago a wall fish normally was good for $ 75-100 , at least . Custom wiring ( where the homeowner wanted it ) went for at least $ 100 an hour . One system I worked in deictated specific placement of outlets to the customer ( they had no choice during install ) , but could work out thier desired locations with the installer , as long as the installer did this on his own time , and did not affect that installer's Install Schedule . I mean no disrespect to anyone who has to accept some of these rates we are offered nowadays , I just get upset when I see this kind of evidence of the direction the industry is headed in with it's pricing . But , where does the blame start ? Do we blame the Big Guys that get the good money and don't pass it down the line ? Or do we blame the little guys , who have entered the industry blindly , ( with low overheads ) not checking out competitive rates , and have instituted lower rate schedules , just to obtain the work ? Then when they want to grow , and make more money , they finally realize it takes money to make money , and wonder why they are getting nowhere fast . I am very gratefull someone shared the meaning of this phrase with me many years ago ; " Stand for Something or Fall for Anything ! "