Re: shut up already
Member #: 40737
Registered: 9/16/2005
David Schreiber
David Schreiber
Total Facility Management
Southern IL
It's about oil because the Middle East really doesn't have much else to offer. It's about oil to the extent that we need to make sure it keeps flowing from there, at least for the time being. If something happens in Saudi Arabia, or if Iran decides to shut off supply or to hit tankers going through the strait, you would have wished you stockpiled it at $3/gallon (a little over $2/gallon here in the Midwest). Everybody can harp about Bush's ties to oil companies. You bet he gets lobbied by the oil companies. But if you think about it, imagine what they could charge if demand stays the same and the supply of oil drops drastically. Basic economics. In my humble opinion, I think there's so much money invested in oil futures and gas futures, traders won't let the price come down until they figure out a way to offset the losses. In any event, every president knows that until we develop an alternative we're boofed if we don't have a steady supply. That's the only reason it's about oil.
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Posted in reply to: shut up already by guerillasplicer
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