2. Because he's the Prez, it's okay to tap phone lines and not follow proper protocol and oh, let's not mention it to anyone just yet. Yeah, right. I think we should tap the White House lines and see exactly what kind of b.s. is going on in this administration.
3. Would we be allowed to run any other country's ports? I think not. Because it wouldn't be tolerated...but the U.S. has proven it tolerates just about anything from illegals not being deported to outsourcing our own interests..Interesting how this port business still is tied to an OIL interest, isnt' it? And how so many of the former personnel related to the White House have been hired by the company involved? Wonder how much Bush will gain profit-wise from all this lobbying? I feel that if this is really what he considers is a good move, then he should forfeit ANY possible profits he may get out of this and put them back into the budget so that all the programs he cut can be reinstated. I really hope that the NJ governor wins his lawsuit regarding the port control in NY/NJ and that they find that Bush and company indeed has not followed procedures set in place several years ago. It was said that it takes over 1 year to do a security clearance on a potential employee, how the hell can you clear an entire company in 30 days, then figure since you really haven't found anything, void the last 45 day wait? How ironic that the US Treasury's interpretation of 30/45 days is different from anyone else's. The White House is obviously badly in need of a clean out....starting with the Oval office.
Bush has 3 strikes in my estimation, that should mean "you're out."