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Re: Time to get out of DirecTV

I agree totally agree with the issue Gwester has raised. While oldschoolgal has said she has seen union bullying, strikes & violence with her onw eyes and in the meadia she fails to mention exactly which industries and unions were involved. When she does mention the grocery workers strike in California she doesn't show were that has any direct realtionship to either the satellite industry or to the CWA. Show me some REAL connection to the two and I will be ready to listen.
Also as I have stated many times, while everyone may have an opinion on the subject of unionizing the satellite HSP's if you are not actually eligible to be represented by such a union (this includes management & contractors) your opinion is pretty much mute and has no bearing whatsoever on the discussion at hand. A manager or contractor weighing in on the subject is akin to me as a satellite technician jumping in and telling everyone in the fiber optics field how they should splice fiber optic cables.
Naturally management is going to oppose unionizing because they know it will limit their ability to cut wages & benefits whenever they feel so inclined. If these HSP companies were as good to the employees as they claim (or would love us to be stupid enough to believe), then the employees would not be looking into unionizing and the employers would not be fighting unionizing so hard. What is it exactly that the employers are affraid of?(moon)

P.S. I kinda like the smileys. Strange how the anti-union posters who can barely compose a sentence or spell can sidestep the real issues and tough questions to gripe about a smiley, how sad.
This is posting #161441. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Time to get out of DirecTV by Gwester843
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Re: Time to get out of DirecTV sumahit 2/13/2006 5:34:00 PM