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Re: Spy on Americans

Please educate yourselves on this. I was concerned until I found out how the "spying" is being conducted. Computers scan ongoing communications searching for programmed words or phrases. When a word or phrase comes up, then a recording is made and an agent looks into it.
The priority is set on international calls and numbers taken from cell phones captured from known terrorists along with information gained from other mothods.
Also think about this, there are literally millions of phone calls going on at every second of the day. How many people can we really be spying on? The percentage has to be way less than 1%.
The last thing here is that this action has been going on way before the current administration. This has been blessed by the courts several times over. This is just democratic rhetoric trying to make the president look bad. Please do not take anybodys word for anything. Educate yourselves. The truth really does set you free.
This is posting #160799. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Spy on Americans by DFW Tecs
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Spy on Americans liggf 2/6/2006 11:01:00 PM
Re: Spy on Americans kilowatt 2/5/2006 5:37:00 AM