I'd like to say I would make glass out of the area, but I don't see that as an answer, I can't destroy OLD MOTHER EARTH , its the planet generations of my ancestors have lived on , and hopefully generations to come. My best friend in the whole world returned from Iraq after a year , when he left he was 6'4" tall 250 lbs , now he's 140 lbs, said he has been losing weight every since he had to take a rejeim of shots, they made him take before he was deployed , he thinks its something to do with the anthrax shots , he can't sleep at night from what they call the Gulf War Syndrome . Now this man is 51 yrs. old , fought in Viet Nam , served in a reactivated national guard unit , in Bosnia for 11mts. two years ago , he was fine after that , after Iraq he fu.ked . The goverment wants to give him a forty % disability rating, what a joke . They messed my friend up and don't want to pay . Heres the kicker , he thinks we are doing the right thing over there. I think they sublimily reprogramed him while he was gone . I understand from him exactly what is going on over there , I just disagree in how we have gone about it . People over there have been fighting wars for many years with each other , it has become a way of life . What makes us the world police ? We stick our noses in everybodys bussiness . I know for fact that we have the ability to read a news paper laying on the ground from outer space by sat. , we have wepondry with star wars techknowlodgy ,why isn't it used??? Who's controling the population , it happened in Nam , who are they lying to now . I agree Saddam needed to be removed , but I would have done it differently . Now all the different races over there hate us . Thats not the way we hear it though. To us it would seem they are all just towel heads , they have rights also . I can see ending the wars it needs to happen . Solution , drop pamplets with directions to the safe area with 90 days to get there , let the US and other countries put up tent cities and feed the homless in the safe area , in these pamplets give detailed plans city by city what will be destroyed ,rubble them , after a while the rats have no place to run , when their cornered destroy them . End of STORY let the people move back with our assistance and build new cities , how is it financed , we use their oil at ten dollars a barrel until the debt for rebuilding is paid , then return control to the leaders of the new country . The mob runs this country and goverment is just puppets . We all know for fact LBJ was mob , he had Kennedy killed from inside the car , Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall guy , they hook line and sinkered to make it appear he had done it . You don't believe the mob runs the country , don't pay your taxes , how is the irs any different than the mob , oh yeah lets see the mob killed you if you didn't want to pay for protection . "Protection from what ?" Them !! The IRS just takes everything you own and sells it for pennies on the dollar and lets you live . Hungh let all Goverment officals work for minium wage , let them live in sub standard housing , let them drive around in goverment issued clunkers . Then they have walked in the working mans shoes . Then and only then will they have my full attention , I might believe what they have to say , until then its smoke up my butt . Show me they care , stop giving away our tax dollars , get the homless off the streets and give them the chance at a better life. Control illegal drugs . How ? Your caught with a certain amount ,you and your family will be executed . I know most of what I have written may sound ludacrist but tough love is the only answer I see . There is nothing I can do to change this world as I am just a dot on a nats as.s with an opinion. One thing about opinions "EVERYBODY HAS ONE" Do they all stink ?? as the saying would have it .
Remember these words Our Forfathers Brought Forth Conitent a new Nation , I don't think they planned it this way
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD