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Re: Stoney Dotson

Oh yes. We stay in touch with the MDOC on a regular basis.

Dotson owes us restitution for the criminal conviction and money on a civil judgment. If we knew where he was working or doing business with, we could garnish his employers and customers.

His con games and crimes are legion. Problem with Dotson besides being a sociopath, is that he does not know when to settle with a victim. A swindler always gets caught but only gets charged a small portion of the time.

If Dotson was as smart as he thinks he is, Dotson would know to settle with those that press or threaten to press charges, such as us for example. Dotson would have a clean record, never have his many other scams exposed and scrutinized by the prosecutor, be free to travel and would not draw the attention of the IRS and MDR.

But since Dotson is not intellegient enough to think ahead to the point of avoiding criminal reprecussions and is too much of a sissy to face his victims who fight back and cut a deal, he will probably end up doing hard time for other swindles and for sure do time for tax evasion. But that is just my opinion.

And there are those victims that do not go to lawyers or the police but still want some form of justice. Dotson is the last person I would want to be physically near at any time. But that's just more opinion.

It is an absolute that we will be on his case for a long time to come.

Thanks for your input.
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