all this comming from some one who has the vast experiance of, what was it ,oh yeah 5 WEEKS.
i didn't ask you to agre with me now did i?
and i don't believe trey asked any one either.your opinions are your own just as mine are.we are just two people who have been in the same busines (for quite some time) with two diferent views on what is wrong with our industry and what can be done to better it.
i'm sorry for you if you can not understand that and feel some kind of infeariority complex comming on.( hows that for empathizing).
and while we are on the subject of opinions, what the hell makes your opinion right and mine wrong?
are you the second comming?
i didn't think so. in fact i thought we were free to voice our opinions here.
Re: HSP's Taking To Much
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