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If you were required to do a "rough balance" of a network, forward or return, this historically has a been recognized in the industry as being "within 3dB" of actual design since the begining.

Sweep on the other hand is a "fine balance" and is refered to as such primarily due to its accuracy attempting to control the "real world" application to match the design as close as possible by correcting faults and installing correct pads and equalizers. This will ALWAYS have sweep graphs to back up work completed and have a STRICT design criteria to be connected with.

If a person is doing a "rough balance" with a SDA or any type of sweep gear, it is a quicker way than the traditional "2-carrier injection system" that has been done for over 25-years and requires 2 men.

Why not get paid for a full reverse sweep if you already have a SDA and have the capacity to zap a few pictures at each location then? The most typical reason is that it costs a few cents more and people want something for nothing. Well, todays "rough balance" is just that, something for almost nothing because the only documentation that goes with it is typically "pad, eq and other general info". Since sweep technology as got so advanced, many individuals expect "rough balance" to look like "fine balance" if the contractor or whoever is using the SDA as a meter, even if he does not use it as a full sweep analyzer. In other words, they expect too much for what they request.

My 2-cents worth is to have them "define: ROUGH BALANCE" then, have them produce a job description for "ROUGH BALANCE". Then have them "define: SWEEP /FINE BALANCE" and produce a job description for that as well. If you are being required to take a reference shot, is that in the descriptin and was it in writing prior to the job? And if so, what if you did not have the SDA but a 2-carrier injection system? Would they require you to take a H-P anaylyer and take a photo at each location in the headend or wherever? I don't think so.

A return reference shot or a normailzation shot is nothing more than a "starting point" from where you want to see the frequency response and level changes to the next amplifiers and need to be caculated for proper injection level on different amplifiers ect...

Bottom line, if it was in writing to get these normalization shots and, was agreed to, it would be required. If you were told to "rough balance" and "get 'er up" without specifications or direction, they goofed in my opinion. But, that is just my opinion. I have seen so many hacks and "wanna be" sweepers who are nothing more than glorified picture takers who can not even cut a RG-6 connector never mind troubleshoot and resplice actual plant. These type people have caused more trouble and problems than you can imagine. That is why "rough balance" is the other alternative...something for less. In other words, "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR". Good luck Gary!

Greg Tobin
(314) 422-4423 cel.
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