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Re: Feelings on Union

Like the old saying goes
Your damed if you do and damned if you don't

On the quality issue however, there is a standard, and if it is not meant, you get charged back, and trust me, quality does matter to todays Installer if he wants to get paid for what he did all day, especially when using his own truck, tools, and gas. He knows the QC guys coming along behind him to save his company any revenue he can by finding less than spec work. Later that day....those who failed QC come on the Bar to whine about how they didn't get their money from XYZ Contractor...the cycle goes on and on.

This is a kind of insurance policy if you think about it. At the end of the billing cycle Mr. Prime Contractor gets a check in the mail, and freaks out. Its smaller than he projected...failed QC's etc have added up, and he has to fund the MSO's work until he gets paid again in 30 to 120 days. The prime starts to not have enough money to keep going with all the charge backs his careless techs are creating, so he has to change his rate card to save everyone from loosing their jobs with his company, because he is not sure when in the next 120 days he is going to get paid again. In the meantime, he is informed that there will be a 20% cut in the rates paid to him by the MSO, now he has to change his rate card again....Now the techs are really upset because they don't know why and don't care why it happened they assume the worst and blame it on the greedy prime and his shady ways, while the prime is sitting in a meeting with the MSO addressing his concerns and trying to help his guys out, but there is nothing they can do for him, because the prices were set nationally by the MSO for all contractors everywhere. The prices are based on statistics and budgets set by the corporation to accomplish their sales goals for the year or even quarter by quarter. Yelling and screaming or even trying to do things diplomatically will all be in vain...and that kiddies is corporate America. You can call it what ever you want, but its business economics and it is what needs to be done to become successful and make a profit. Those who think its BS, probably work for someone else, those who work for them selves or with a large corporations understand very clearly the theory of profit and loss, economics, project planning and management, goal setting, and minimum benchmarks that if aren't made mean no work, no money, no nothing for anyone from the top to the bottom, and then come the lay offs.......Thats kind of what goes on in a nut shell.

A. Engineer creates new widget
B. Corporation buys widget and finds a way to Market the new widget and pitches a campaign to the President of the company and he loves it, but wants to know how much it will cost to get the widget out on the Market to the consumer and what his margins will be
C.Marketing goes back and comes up with a plan " We will install the widgets for free! Then make money on the monthly subscription!
D. The Marketing campaign begins and everyone wants the new widget at first, but it cost more than the widgets they have now, they feel peer pressure, and go ahead and order a new widget.
E. For the first quarter sales of the new widget with free installation goes though the roof, and in house cant keep up so they hire contractors to come in and pick up the slack. The second quarter, less people call to get the new widget, because it is now yesterdays news and there is no sense of urgency.
F. The president looks at the numbers and is not pleased because he had to pay gas, insurance, pay, taxes etc. to his in house, so he decides to use only contractors and some in house guys are laid off, the others are now doing QC. The guys are bitter at the contractors for taking the work and try to find faults with their work so they can go back and tell everyone how they can do a better job. Little do they know that, the company is really trying to get revenue back from the free install and this is not personal, its business.(blush)(confused)

Its sad....most people don't know this, they are just trying to earn a living and feeding their families is all that they care about, but seriously you really is not personal. I hope that makes sense(wink)
This is posting #157028. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Feelings on Union by Wife of a cable guy
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Re: Feelings on Union voices 12/5/2005 7:29:00 PM
Re: Feelings on Union Hybrid.PC 12/5/2005 7:28:00 PM