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Re: Silly kids, Unions are for employees!

Thats the prob with this industry right there.
All i saw you say was i , i , I . As long as there are a handful of you out there this industry is going to continue to depreciate.
You say that your wallet and bank account is FAT! and that you will cross a picket line and stab your co-industrialist in the back , to line your own pockets. well my not so intuitive friend I hope you can save all that FAT cake! cuz in the years to come your gonna need it.your thinking and techs like you are the reason we will always get paid less and less and do more and more work.
Because the industry counts on suckers like you to keep THERE pockets lined when the rest of us who are looking to the future for a trade to survive so we all can eat refuse to take it up the @## raw.
simple logistics:
I am sure you are familiar with this one.(SUPPLY AND DEMAND!)
We supply what consumers demand ......
Now , what happens when the supply doesn't meet the demand?
perfect example: Microsoft's X-box360 A TOY! is going for 5 grand on Ebay! why? because the supply can't meet the demand.
Simple right? Do you see anyone selling them for less while the supply is low just for a quick sale? thought not. everyone is eaten pretty good off that . Now say someone comes by a quantity of
those and sells them for less just trying to make a quick buck.(starting to sound silly now isn't it?) Anyway one of two things will happen , (1) that person will eventually tap out and others will fill in and that person will be forgotten about and be right back where the rest is now or (2) will continue to sell more for less and permanently drive the price so low that it will then become more costly to continue than just quiting all together.
So , now that light bulb goes on in head, how does it to feel to find out that they who thought that they were the king of the hill now see that they are merely an ant on a mound and the BIG MANS shoe is comein down on there heads? just like the rest of us.
This is posting #156901. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Silly kids, Unions are for employees! by FrzFram1
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Silly kids, Unions are for employees! FrzFram1 12/4/2005 9:59:00 AM
Re: Silly kids, Unions are for employees! FrzFram1 12/4/2005 9:47:00 AM