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Re: drop wire

If the fitting has the braid hanging out of the fitting, its not signal transmission, ITS INGRESS!!!! NOT EGRESS!!! You won't get signal transmission out of the fitting, but you will get signal transmission INTO the fitting. Ask me why,,,,,go ahead,,,,I dare you,,,,,o.k. heres; the answer,,,,,I DONT KNOW!!! Thats just the way it works, If you haven't been in the field for more than a few years then you probably havn't dealt with this too much. Not to say that you guys are green, please dont take offence by this. I just know that these are the problems that you will see with an improperly cut fitting. It may not be in any book but ask all the ole' hooks and you'll get the same answer. Most of the time you will see this is (these days in an attic or basement where the home owner or electric contractor has cut the fittings. Most of the time they have used twist on fittings that they bought at Radio Slack (which also allow ingress and not egress). But there is usually not enough wave activity in those invironments to ingress any kind of signal.
Back in the day we used hex crimpers, and cut fittings with pocket knives, thats why we know these things, thats why we have better tools and better fittings now (bionic fittings!!faster, better, stronger) Sorry had to through that in there. I COMPLETELY agree with DONE RIGHT on this issue. Ole dawgs Help me, DONE RIGHT and I are worn out!!!(tongue)(bash) Once again guys I dont try to offend anyone, its just that we've seen this stuff TOO many times, we dont know why it works that way, it just does!! Come to Ft. Wayne and i'll demonstrate it for you if I can find my old hex crimps and a couple of fittings. Getting late, Later, Red(snipper)(usa)
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