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I did Notice Your Post when it was first Introduced --
BUT have(reluctantly) Held off posting any info as I knew
Others would soon say what NEEDS TO BE SAID on Ed's Behalf

CABLESPY tries Not to Endorse any One or any Company
with Few Exceptions - Very Few

I only try to provide Info for one to further or help direct
someone in their research, to make "Their" Own decision
or help acquire some additional Info needed and not necessarily
found easily or even appearing on this venue in their Quest

I cannot answer all requests, that I receive, for whatever reason
mainly, Lack of Time as I do have a Real Job, Family, etc etc..

BUT this question was easy -- As it requires no further research

SIDEBAR NOTE* For the recent members to this site, For every Post
here within, there will NO-DOUBT will be postings that could be
considered or catagorized as'Positve'and/or'Negative'to some extent..
While its near Impossible to please Everyone - All the time -

RESEARCH BOTH PARTIES as you may find the One Reporting/Posting the
Negative aspects of a matter or issue at Hand - Just May have this
problem/situation occur to them Often- Often enough and to the extent that
its against the Laws of Probability... The World is Wrong - They are Right

Their are usually always TWO Sides to every Matter that needs to be resolved anyway
Our Court Systems are filled with these situations and problems...
This is posting #154964. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Company information by cablegod38
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: 'DEAR CABLEGOD' DZW! 10/27/2005 8:49:00 PM
Re: 'DEAR CABLEGOD' joeatstellar 10/27/2005 12:49:00 AM