I think if you look at the number of companies that Mike was president of , that are now bankrupted and defuncked, it should tell you what you want to know. I have always been paid when I worked for him , but he although was afaraid of me years ago. I know when American Spliceco went belly up alot of employees had paid in to the co. for retirement that never retired . I have a couple of true stories of my involvement with him that I will share with everyone. I started with Spliceco in 79 in Cinn Ohio , Mike was a smile and a handshake kinda man . He would come by and meet the troops and shake everyones hand and say to you thanks for keeping me in Cinn. Ohio . He would always stay at the Hilton and put his people in a lesser quality motel . He made many promises. He always looks out for Mike. In 1980 Spliceco signed the contract for Dallas , we were working in Cinn Ohio . one day management came in and said to everyone well boys were pulling out of Cinn.Ohio going to Dallas if you want to go you can . I drove a bucket truck out there for them and decided I didn't want to go as I was engaged to a woman in Cinn. Ohio. I went back to Ohio and hired on with Jackson Communications, planning to start work in a week. I asked my girl to take a little vacation with me to go back to my home town ,so the trip was planned. I went into Spliceco to pick up my last check , James Nolan who was project mgr. says we have to ride your work out before we are going to pay you. When I was young I was a dangerous individual. One of the people from Warner Amex , now Time Warner was in the office. I started going off , It scared the man so bad he ran out of the building and left. I told James Nolan this is bullsh.. ,you know all my work is good and besides that I have been cutting trunk with Chit Chat as a team for months , he's not leaving the company , you got his check . James reply was Mike said to hold your check till Everett Way or Lee Adcock ride you work out next week . I said bullshi. get Breakfield on the phone and tell him I'll fly home and break both his legs if he doesn't get me at least half my check right now, I'm headed home with my girl and Mike is not fu..ing up my plans . Get on the phone and call him "NOW" James was scared , he called Mike while I was standing there ,they got me half my check and told me to go by and see Mike when you get home and pick up the rest of your check . Upon arriving back in Morehead me and my girl stopped into the Spliceco and met with Breakfield , Mikes wife Kay was there, he looks at her and says this is Jerry Whitfield he's the reason I haven't slept good for the last couple of nights . I could only laugh about it as he handed me my check. Mike and I remained friends and I worked with Spliceco again a couple years later in Fairfax Va. . In Fairfax I watched a good friend of mine who was the project mgr. get fired , he hadn't done anything wrong , we were shocked he was fired ,he made a joke before he left that I rember to this day .he said: "where do you go when you reach the top of the ladder "? I answered I don't know. His answer : "OFF" I felt sorry for him as I knew he had a family to take care of . Mike replaced him with a man named Eric Herbert a friend of Mikes that knew nothing about cable, who left playing in a band to take the position. What a joke! It was over that that I lost resepct for Mikes ability to manage a company. Then Spliceco hired Les Smith to be the hatchett man for the company and he rolled a bunch of heads. Mike always took care of a certain group of people , many of which are still with him today. I haven't talked to Mike in a couple of years now. I last spoke to his second wife Lisa and left my # with her , I guess he felt he was too good to call. I can say Mike has done well in this industry off others sweat and labor , and he doesn't mind wineing and dining, buying gifts and etc. people at the mother companys for contracts. I recall when they use to Fly Wally Hooks down from Ohio to Morehead N.C. to take him out fishing on the Co. yaht , all expenses paid . To my knowledge bribes are illegal in this business , but not for players in the game. To answer your question ,would I believe something if he told me it was so ."HE.l.l No" But thats just my opinion . When Mike reads this he will probably want to send Everett Way to kill me . Everett once again works for him . The last time I saw Everett , was in 1980 in Cinn Ohio he told me he was leaving cable to return to being a mercinary as he stated the money was much better and that he really just enjoyed killing people . I always liked Everett , though he was pretty cool , I was just never able to look at him the same after he made the statement. My only words of advice are "LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP STILL WATERS RUN DEEP"
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Registered: 1996-2001
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~46 years
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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