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Is It Possible

Is it possible that mother nature is trying to tell us something? It seems mother is getting us back for bombing other countries. In my opinion if it hits George Bushes beloved state of Texas its trying to tell George he's not God. When gasoline reaches $5.00 a gallon as predicted , look for the start of the second great depression . My heart goes out to the people stuck on the highway for so many hrs. fleeing from Rita. Join with me today and say a prayer for those in the path of this Hurricane they will need all of that we can give.
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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There are 3 replies to this message
Shouldnt the u be an i in duck. Spell check Arab splcr 9/25/2005 4:58:00 AM
Re: Is It Possible Arab splcr 9/24/2005 11:51:00 PM
Re: Is It Possible 1FARMER 9/22/2005 1:05:00 PM