Git 'er done! I am new to this board but I have been a cable dawg for nearly 20 years. It is a shame that the industry has squeezed us all to the point that if we want a good paycheck, we have to work 20 hrs a day 7 days a week. They have resorted to hiring fast food workers that are thrilled to make 400.00 a week. If we want to be able to retire at any point in our lives, then we have to stand up to these heartless greedy bastards. In the early 90's the install prices were at least 30% higher and gas was 99 cents a gallon. Most contractors didn't shake you down on a daily basis and we were like family. Times change, People change, and Cable contractors have definitely changed. No more do we feel like we are part of a family or even a team. It is dog eat dog and everybody is fighting for every little scrap that our "masters" throw out. The time has come for us all to stand up and say "GIVE US BACK OUR CAREERS. GIVE US BACK OUR LIVELIHOOD. LET US SPEND TIME WITH OUR FAMILIES JUST LIKE YOU SPEND TIME WITH YOURS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH." I chose this way of life and I have been mourning the loss of it for about 8 yrs just as many of you have. If you have been in this business for only a short time, then you have no idea how lucrative this business used to be. If we have a nationwide union of contractors, then perhaps you can find out. I'm in and I challenge each and every sub in this country to stand up. LET OUR COLLECTIVE VOICES BE HEARD.
Can I get an AMEN?!!