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Re: Just a thought about Incumbents!

Hey ho,

Big government takes a long time to respond to anything. People on their own can respond much faster and they do. I admire solders, what they do, and have done for this country. Police officers on the other hand, whether they know it or not, are simply revenue procurement agents. They couldn't care less about crime. Their goal is to “catch” you, me, or your grandma going 5 mph over the speed limit, not wearing a seatbelt, etc. in order to extract, or should I say extort, money from us. Only in America does the govmt spend mega billions on a safe road system and them keep the speed limit down (55 in some wimpy states) so they can tax / extract revenue from people. Ever had your house broken into? I have.... the cops couldn't care less. It's a joke to them! Ever get a 5 mph over speeding ticket? I have. They treat you like an ax murderer. The same kid that tries to steal your lunch money at school grows up to become a cop. They are nothing short of bullies with a badge. The difference is you could kick the crap out of the bully in school, but not a cop (felony). I will never call the cops about anything, for any reason, ever, period! They are the most corrupt profession on this planet, next to lawyers. I have witnessed their lies, and corruption first hand. What kind of a person would want to make a living writing tickets to people... trying to destroy that persons livelihood, for the very things they themselves do, EVERY DAY? Ever wonder why an obviously guilty person like O J got off, despite leaving a blood trail to his front door? Because the street wise jury didn't trust the cops, or the prosecution, because they know they can be, and are corrupt. As for the looters. The police are most likely doing some of the looting in the Big Easy. Sure there are a few cops with a heart, but they will never get promoted, and will most likely get discouraged and move on to another occupation.
I can take care of myself and my family, don't need or want the police. What world do you live in? The police removed “to protect and serve” from their cars decades ago! They are not body guards, they are a response unit. When a body is laying dead on the ground, they may investigate, but they do nothing to stop the crime in the first place. I can go on and on about this from personal experience, but this isn't the right forum for that, my friend.

A democrats idea of government seems to be where no one works and every one is “taken care of by the government”. People like Usama Bin Laden are just “misunderstood”, we should apparently just allow terrorists to blow up our cities at will, because “we provoke them” you know. It's our fault. Every thing is someone else's fault, no such thing as personal responsibility for a democrat. Don't like your job? Just get a liar and sue your employer – fake a bad back, give every one welfare, it's the democrat way. Where the 'ell do they think that money comes from? This country has gone down hill ever since FDR started all his socialist programs.

We went to Iraq to take the fight to them. A very logical move. Many democrats of today don't understand logic, do they? It has no place in their fairy tale existence. They aren't capable of working out what-if scenarios and making the logical move.

The place of government is, like I said earlier, to maintain order, or, to prevent the strong from abusing the week. To give every person a fair opportunity. Not to bail everyone out because of their own choices. The government has become the strong, abusing the week! The government has evolved to where it now takes from the working person and gives to the lazy. It has become an out of control entity that is at least 10 times larger then necessary in this day of mass communication.
It's people out of their own kindness who help other people, they usually can, and do, a much better and faster job then any government does.

When various factors occur that prevents the common man from rectifying a wrong on their own and it becomes a situation beyond their control (Iraq or on a different scale New Orleans) then a government needs to step in and restore a fair balance. The government is a final (last resort) avenue of recourse for those types of situations, not the first.

Unfortunately we all know (at least any one with half a brain) that the United Nations, whose job is to take care of International situations, is a corrupt, worthless and spineless organization that is all talk and no action, so the good ol USA as always, has taken the mantel and put our own brave young men and women to the task of looking out for the little guy.

I don't waiver, that's what a democrat does (can you say John Kerry?)
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