i agree voting doesnt help
Member #: 14849
Registered: 1996-2001
Jason Lambel
Jason Lambel
anyone that pays
slave to the industry
early 50s
~31 years
out here in california we have had many examples of what the people want not mattering take for instance the legalasation of pot more than half the state showed up to vote it legal only to be over turned by the supreme court saying it was against federal law then we tried to get rid of affermative action but again some liberial judge said no its not the decision of the voter there is more instances where the needs of the many outway the needs of the few (star trek II wrath of kahn) out here in California it seems that some of the judges and congress men or women in this country feel they know how we should live our life or spend our money or even lately giving more rights to illegal trespassors in this country I thought we were souvern but it seems lately we are giving our freedom and country away at an alarming rate and no amount of voting is going to stop it dont get me wrong i activly vote (republican of course)
abandon all hope evil enter in
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