Re: Viasys Corp.
Member #: 6735
Registered: 1996-2001
Kent Coleman
Genesis Fiber Optics
Senior OSP/ISP Fiber Tech
~46 years
We are currently wrapping up a job for them. We are finishing this phase as a favor to the sub they hired and was way over their head. They are no different than any other large corp. Our project is an state job many years old that they assumed and are trying to make it work. Their local management are under the gun by their corporate to make the numbers. They hired another contractor, before my buddy, in our specialty that took them to the cleaners. We are there just to make a statement that this complex of a project requires our company or it will be done wrong, which has been for the past 4 years. Several primes had the previous phases and the entire network has issues except for the part we have done. They offer a contract and put the responsibility of researching the job on the prospective sub. If that sub fails to research the job fully, they WILL get screwed. Viasys viciously holds them to the contract. I have seen them do a little to assist, but the price is the price. They offer well below the going rate and if a sub is going to blindly jump on a contract by seeing the bottom line, they deserve everything they get. We are the best in our field and we aggressively research every aspect of the job identifying each facet and apply manhours and overhead. We read the contract and ALL addendum's to clearly identify what is required before signing any contract. Viasys promotes the "Any work is better than no work" concept. They give just enough information to make a project seem good and add a pinch of bad to show they are being honest. This is standard practice. Research your offer carefully because you will be held to the contract. They have mediocre management that is extremely overworked and hails from the field. I have had good luck with them because I know what they need and I give the best quality they have ever had. After this "charity" job the price will now go to the going rate from our company directly to them and if they want it, great. They will get what they pay for. If they don't, good luck to them. "Woe be the fool with a pen, and an empty wallet" (Kent Coleman, Genesis Fiber!)
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Posted in reply to: Viasys Corp. by Big T
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