What Pisses us off more then anything about theses letters is, we don't know about any of you all, but my husband was the supervisor in his department and was told by the project manager on that Thursday night that he had had a phone conference, and my husband was to collect all trucks, truck keys, meters, tools, phones, gas cards etc. on Friday morning without ANY advanced notice. Mind you most of the 32 cabledawgs under my husband were also personal LONG time friends (GFC had only bought out my husbands former company approx. 7-8 months before and he had worked for the previous company for over 6 years). When my husband asked how the men were to get home, he told him " they got there without a truck they can get home without one"! Anyhow, things went pretty smooth that morning as my husband was on the phone all night the night before making arrangements with other companies for himself and his crew, BUT there was not ONE rep there from GFC, the bank, the sheriffs office or even the project manager to give the guys some kind of proof that they turned all this stuff in. They had a monthly check out sheet saying this was the truck, phone, gas card, etc. that each guy had, but nothing to protect them in the end. Just theirs and my husbands word. Comcast was there with a U-Haul getting all their equipment, and did see my husband collecting stuff, but they left before it was all over. Within 2 days the land-lord of the complex had some of the trucks towed away, so now what? God only knows over the years how many different people had keys to those offices and went in and cleaned them out! It just sucks. I said right from the beginning that if they didn't claim bankrupt they would say their equipment was gone and so they were with-holding pay until they got it back, so now it looks as if they're protected either way! They had their auction today on some of the trucks, so now the guys really have NO proof since the proof has driven away!
Oh well, like I said yesterday, we may never see a dime (and for the rest of you I'm SO sorry about that) but we'll be darned if we'll just walk away quietly like they would like to see us do. They may have claimed bankrupt, but you can't claim bankrupt on illegal things, such as not paying taxes, keeping multiple books and NOT paying into any of our guys unemployment! Also, any checks that were made out, dated and cashed before the bankruptcy was filed and has since bounced can be turned in. It's called "theft by deception" and bankruptcy laws do not protect them from illegal matters. They WILL get theirs!
Thanks for the letter Dave, it helped a great deal! Take care all and god bless
