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Re: GFC, one of many

I just want to say my piece on gfc since this seems to be a great place to vent. First off I don't care about the company only the people who work there, mainly the folks at the pc level who actually work in this industry. In the time I have worked for GFC I have had the pleasure to meet and train a few 100 people in a few locations in the south west and Texas. I have always related well with techs no matter what my job has been (supervisor/ Trainer) I am sad to see a lot of good people be displaced because of a companys poor job of keeping money. I wish every body the best off luck finding work and if you got scte certified don't forget to put that on your resume it helps a lot. You have been great to work with. Everybody needs to remember you weren't let go because of your work. Where I worked in Carlsbad we had better qc and trouble call numbers then in house every month and our pc always made 20% profit. People at corporate told me they had to downsize because some mso's were not paying. Thats sort of true, the reality was that more money was going out then coming in. Company trucks $250-$350 per leased truck and theres hundreds, Scte memberships and testing $125 per tech, Nextel phones for 2300 people $75,000 a month, smith system defensive driving over $125,00 on the system plus cost to train, tools, damage claims, and countless acquisitions that cost a lot and didn't pan out. A lot of money was spent that was great for techs but bad for business. I saw the righting on the wall 3 months before I was let go as a trainer but I figured I would ride it until the wheels fell off. This big shut down all started with 11 pcs 1 being mine. The problem for gfc wasn't that they closed doors, but that they didn't evaluate money makers from non money makers and decided to close up shop on any non Comcast or time Warner projects. The biggest mistake, and all you subs and owner's learn from this was, they didn't give notice to the mso. They closed the door on Adelphia with no notice leaving them to cover the routes. Adelphia was just bought out by Comcast and Time Warner the 2 companys that GFC was trying to stay in business with. You cant burn bridges in this industry too many people know people. It doesn't matter what the name on the front of the building says chances are the people you burned at MSO X know somebody at your customer at MSO Y and Z and will let them know what you did to them and probably not want to do business with you either case in point (GFC). I have been laid off before contracting and I also know a lot of people in the industry locally. When we got laid off I went to an old boss and gave him the names and numbers of our techs and I was able to help guys get jobs. Currently I think 12 out of 18 have jobs now thank god. If anybody can help guys out with your connections that would be great. These guys just fell into some bad luck but are worthy to be in are industry.
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Posted in reply to: GFC, one of many by reynolds
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Re: GFC, one of many DaveRags 7/13/2005 9:28:00 AM